Reader Jay reached out yesterday as they noticed that it was now possible to redeem Kroger fuel points for savings on groceries.
Before you get too excited, note that this is – for now at least – a seemingly regional opportunity. Jay is in central Ohio, so it’s not too surprising that Ohio customers might get this opportunity first seeing as the company is based in Cincinnati.
100 fuel points can be redeemed for $1 off groceries, with there being a limit of 1,000 fuel points (i.e. $10 grocery savings) per day. I’m not sure if it’s possible to stack these redemptions, whereby you redeem 1,000 points per day for several days and can then redeem all the savings in one shop.
This isn’t a particularly good value redemption option seeing as 100 fuel points can save you up to $3.50 on gas. However, if you can’t maximize gas savings, being able to redeem for savings on groceries is better than nothing.
You can check to see if your account has the ability to redeem fuel points here.
Update: Reader escot reports that a rep advised them that southern Florida (possibly Tampa) and central Oklahoma are also targeted for this opportunity.
a step in the right direction and welcome if true.
Martin’s/Giant/Stop’nShop have long given customers the option to convert their “Choice Points” from fuel to groceries…. (especially useful for using up orphaned choice points in a given month)
With Kroger, it’s so often been “use ’em for fuel” or lose them.
Wonder if this could be in competitive response to Meijer redoing their points program and allowing earned points to be used on grocery purchases or fuel? Of course, Meijer allows multiple grocery redemptions in amounts up to $50. Too bad this Kroger trial area is limited to $10 in grocery redemptions.